Elephants in the wild

Every animal deserves a life worth living

Become an Animal Protector

Image credit: Skaman306/Getty Images

Only the courage and determination of animal lovers working together for change can move the world to protect animals. 

From an elephant in chains to the millions of chickens suffering in factory farms every year.

When enough people like you, who care about animals and are willing to stand up for what’s right, come together, a better world for animals isn’t just possible – it's within reach. A life where all animals can live without cruelty. A life where every moment doesn’t hurt.

Be the voice for billions of animals, trapped and suffering. 

Join the movement dedicated to improving the lives of animals everywhere. Animal Protectors’ regular gifts fund vital research, helps to expose cruelty, and confronts those with the power to stop it.

Become an Animal Protector

Animal Protectors are critical to the work taking place around the world.

Last year Animal Protectors helped to:

Staff at a layer hens protest, Sydney, Australia


visitors and tourists to stop buying tickets to cruel captive whale and dolphin shows.


low-welfare entertainment camps in Thailand to become elephant-friendly.

A high welfare chicken farm located in the Netherlands


restaurants to commit to higher chicken welfare in Australia and New Zealand.

As an Animal Protector you will receive:

  • An environmentally-responsible printed Animal Protector pack.

  • The Protector newsletter that will update you on how you're improving animal welfare around the world.

  • Regular emails with exclusive invitations to events and campaign actions. Participation and attendance is completely voluntary. Your donation will do so much good, it is up to you how much you can participate outside of that generous contribution.

Your support is vital in improving animal welfare across the world. Be part of the movement to improve the lives of animals, at scale. Will you move the world to protect animals?

Make a monthly donation


The Protector print edition

Monthly donations in action:

A cruel Wildlife selfie. Credit: Andi Surcita


the impact Animal Protectors make for the lives of animals.

Pig farm in the EU


why small but regular giving has more impact on animals’ lives.

Macaque monkey performs at Phuket Zoo Thailand


how supporters make a tangible and immediate difference.