Orphaned jaguar finds her forever home in Costa Rica
Check out a delightful video of jaguar Celeste as she jumps, dives and swims through life in her new sanctuary home – all thanks to you.
Image credit: Las Pumas Sanctuary and Rescue Centre
When she was only a little cub, Celeste the jaguar was discovered by local farmers hiding all alone in a field in a Costa Rican village. Orphaned after just losing her mother, the kind farmers brought her to Las Pumas Rescue Centre, one of the sanctuaries you help support.
The lush green forests of Las Pumas soon became her new playground, where she could safely explore and learn in a nurturing environment.
Because of your support, Celeste has now grown into an energetic and curious jaguar. Here’s a video of her in her favourite pond, where she loves to dive and play with big blocks of wood she discovers on the pond floor.
Her joyful spirit also helped her become the second ever winner of the Wild Animal Unique Personality award. This special award celebrates wild animals as the individuals they are, not commodities to be used for profit.
The prize money – which your support made possible – will give Celeste ongoing medical care and plenty of delicious snacks to fuel her daily adventures exploring the sanctuary.

Thanks to you, she will always have a safe haven to call home where she can continue to thrive as her authentic wild self.
Thank you for seeing wild animals like Celeste the jaguar for who they truly are – special and loveable personalities who deserve our care and respect.

Animals in the wild / Ngā kararehe mohoao
We move the world to protect wildlife – and keep them in the wild.

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Every animal deserves a life worth living – from captive lions used for trophy hunting to mother pigs in cages in factory farms.