Lions in the wild

Thank you for roaring against lion cruelty!

Your action today will help protect lions like Khosana from a horrific fate in the cruel lion farming industry in South Africa.

But there is still more work to do.

The unthinkable abuse that commercially farmed lions can face every single day is too often deceitfully masked by their keepers. And without your help, this inhumane industry will continue preying on vulnerable lion cubs.

That’s why we ask you to please give generously to support our work in exposing cruel commercial lion farms in South Africa and continue putting pressure on the Government to bring a mandatory time-bound end to the commercial captive breeding of lions. Will you help end wildlife exploitation?


Together, we can protect lions from this cruel cycle of abuse. Forever.

Thanks again for your compassion and kindness.

Lion cub in captivity at South Africa facility

Donate to protect lions

Right now, vulnerable lion cubs are being torn from their mothers and exploited for financial gain, human entertainment, or traditional medicine.

The more people who join us, the more we can achieve. 

We know that change is possible, because we’ve made it happen time and again. By sharing campaigns, signing petitions and ramping up the pressure on decision makers, we can move the world for animals. 

Would you help spread the word?





Staff at a layer hens protest, Sydney, Australia

Take action

Take action today by signing our petitions and pledging to protect wildlife and farm animals.

Chicken on New Zealand farm

Give KFC chickens better lives

Call on KFC to sign the Better Chicken Commitment and put a stop to the cruelty these creatures experience.

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