Staff member with cow at Moo to Ewe sanctuary

Thank you for joining our global community

We are excited to work together to create a world where animal suffering is never acceptable.

Throughout our history, supporters like you have helped us in making life better for animals – persuading governments, international bodies, companies, communities and individuals to get serious about protecting animals.

Thanks to our supporters, we’ve made life better for billions of animals. We've put an end to animal cruelty all over the world. And we continue to speak up and speak out every day – with support from people like you, who know that change is always possible. 

Layer hen protest, NSW, Australia
Staff at a layer hens protest, Sydney, Australia

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Captive lion in South Africa

Will you protect animals?

Every animal deserves a life worth living – from captive lions used for trophy hunting to mother pigs in cages in factory farms.

Elephant t-shirt from our merch shop

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What we do:

  • We end the needless suffering of animals
  • We influence decision makers to put animals on the global agenda
  • We inspire people to change animals’ lives for the better
  • We move the world to protect animals. 

Thank you for joining us. Together, we move the world to protect animals.

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