Cows in New Zealand

You’re Helping Protect the Live Export Ban in New Zealand


More than 45,000 + passionate people like you have signed the parliamentary petition calling on the government not to reverse our world-leading ban on live exports by sea.

Image credit: Farmwatch NZ

Together with the other groups involved, we’ll be at Parliament in Wellington on Tuesday 25 June from 12.15pm to support the hand-in of the parliamentary petition.

You also joined peaceful protests around the country and funded our advert in the NZ Herald, thank you!   

However, the fight is not yet over. 

For more than a decade, passionate animal lovers and animal groups including World Animal Protection have been lobbying governments in Aotearoa New Zealand and around the world to end the immoral live export trade.

In April 2023, Aotearoa New Zealand took a giant step forward by becoming the first country to ban the cruel live export of animals by sea. This resulted in safeguarding thousands of animals from suffering unnecessarily in unbearable conditions on long, arduous journeys by sea.

If the ban is reversed, our animals may once again be exposed to the cruelty of long sea journeys and poor regulations in destination countries, as well as potential injury, illness, and sometimes even death on these harrowing voyages.

Live exportImage credit: Taranaki Animal Save

Across the Tasman you’re also helping end live exports. The legislation to ban the live export of sheep by sea was introduced into the Australian Parliament at the end of May. With you by our side, we’ll continue to advocate that the Australian Government ensures this transition prioritises the welfare of their sheep.

And in the UK, passionate supporters like you celebrated in mid-May as a Bill to ban the trade in live animal exports passed its final stage in Parliament and was enshrined in law.  After 50 years of campaigning, it means farmed animals can no longer be exported from Great Britain for slaughter or fattening.

As other countries move away from the cruel live export trade it is vital we keep up the momentum in Aotearoa to protect our animals but also our international reputation.

Together, we can protect the live export ban.

Help protect the live export ban

Animals in Aotearoa deserve better. Here are ways you can help protect the ban on the barbaric live export trade.

Animals in farming

More than 80 billion animals suffer on factory farms each year, with the vast majority cruelly confined to low-welfare farming systems.

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