A dog in flooding

Protect your pet

Prepare for your pet in a disaster or potentially lose each other forever

Our free disaster packs provide practical advice to plan for dogs, cats, small animals (rats, mice and guinea pigs), rabbits, fish, birds, horses and Assistance/Guide Dogs, in a disaster.

By making a Disaster Plan for your family pet it will stop delays or panicked wrong decisions being made that could end up putting your precious lives (and others) at risk.

With a plan you will instead be prepared to evacuate fast or stay put with sufficient supplies when a disaster strikes.

Save precious time and precious lives in a disaster. Make a plan today.

In Aotearoa New Zealand, we love our pets

Aotearoa New Zealand is a nation of animal lovers, with the companion pet population sitting at approximately 5 million compared to a mere 4.4 million for humans!* And 99% of pet owners associate their pets as being a member of their family**

*(NZ Companion Animal Council Report 2011)

**(Glassey, 2010)


Protect your dog

Protect your dog

Dogs are a valued part of the family. Will you be there when they need you? Download your free kit to help protect your dog in a disaster.

Rescue cat at home in Kenya.

Protect your cat

Protect your cat

Cats are an important part of the family. Will you be there when they need you? Download your free kit to help protect your cat in a disaster.

Horse rescue

Protect your horse

Protect your horse

Horses are beloved pets for many. Will you be there when they need you? Download your free kit to help protect your horse in a disaster.

Rabbit as a pet

Protect your small pet

Protect your small pet

Guinea pigs, rabbits, mice and rats are beloved pets for many. Will you be there when they need you? Download your free kit to help you protect your small animal in a disaster.

Christchurch Earthquake Feb 2011

The Christchurch Earthquake in February 2011 was deadly for both people and pets. It also struck without warning.

Wellington SPCA Chief Inspector – Ritchie Dawson – who supported World Animal Protection’s Disaster Assessment Response Teams, describes what it was like on the ground in the aftermath of this Christchurch Earthquake (Feb 2011).

Ritchie explains how volunteers put their lives on the line to save peoples’ pets and why making a plan now, for your pet animal, is critical to ensure these important members of your family are not lost forever.

What we do

Working around the world to end the needless suffering of animals by inspiring people to change animals’ lives for the better.

Support us

Your support is key to bringing an end to animal suffering across the world and here in Aotearoa New Zealand

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Sign petitions and pledges to protect animals around the world.

Wild dolphins in New Zealand

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Join thousands of animal lovers fighting to protect wildlife and give farmed animals good lives. Sign up now to receive emails with all the ways you can help.

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