Cows in New Zealand

Rollback on Live Export Ban in NZ Puts Animals and Reputation in Jeopardy


The new Government’s plans to overturn the ban on live export are sending shockwaves through the country. Together, we’re calling on them to protect the ban.

Image credit: Cows on Aotearoa New Zealand farm. Hannah Wright / Unsplash

In April last year, Aotearoa New Zealand set a global example for the rest of the world by banning cruel live exports by sea. But in a shocking turn of events, the coalition Government is planning to send our animals back on these voyages of cruelty.

This regressive move would not only have a devastating impact on thousands of animals but also undermine efforts to prevent future tragedies like the Gulf Livestock 1 capsizing incident, which claimed the lives of 6,000 cattle and 41 people onboard.

Ben Pearson, Country Director, World Animal Protection ANZ, said:

Before the live export ban, thousands of animals endured horrific suffering on these harrowing voyages every year.

Many are forced to spend days or even weeks standing in their own urine and faeces and have little to no access to food or water. On top of this, they’re tossed around at rough seas, accidentally trampling one another. It’s a voyage from hell.

Each time a live export ship goes to sea, there are inherent risks to animal life and it’s time to ensure these ships of cruelty never set sail again.

According to a recent survey by SPCA, 60 percent of people believe that reversing the ban on live export would damage Aotearoa’s reputation for animal welfare, while only 19 percent were in favour of lifting the ban.

Live export is an inherently cruel trade, and while industry stakeholders are claiming to implement ‘gold standards’ to protect animal welfare on these ships, there’s no clarity on how these standards are different from the past or how they would be enforced.

The live export ban safeguards thousands of our animals from long, terrifying voyages to destinations where their welfare is often not guaranteed. Reversing it would once again put both the animals and people onboard at risk, as well as tarnish our reputation.

Peaceful monthly rallies were held across the country on Sunday, 25th February. With you by our side, we will keep you updated on actions you can take as we work with our allies from other organisations such as SAFE, SPCA and Animals Aotearoa to protect the ban.

Together, we can banish the cruel live export trade to our history books of shame. Forever.  

Chick on a farm, NSW, Australia

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Live export cow, New Zealand

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