bear, Romania

How you are helping animals during the coronavirus pandemic


The coronavirus pandemic is thought to have started in a live animal market. Similar outbreaks in the past have been traced back to cruel, cramped conditions on factory farms.

The ongoing fight to keep wild animals in the wild and improve conditions for animals on farms is more important than ever. Together, we can make life better for animals around the world - and people too.

You are helping put an end to the global wildlife trade

Your support helped pressure the Chinese and Vietnamese governments to issue a ban on wildlife trade in response to the outbreak. Now it’s time to keep the pressure on and get other countries to do the same.

Last year, passionate supporters like you helped secure a ban on the trade of Asian small-clawed and smooth-coated otters and Indian star tortoises. Now you are supporting the campaign to stamp out the cruel trade of bull pythons globally.

You are helping to improve the lives of animals on farms

You also helped get KFC and Pizza Hut in Europe to sign the Better Chicken Commitment, giving chickens more room to move and reducing the risk of diseases, pressured Europe’s biggest retailer to improve pig welfare in its Brazilian branch AND helped get CP China to lift their pig welfare standards.

Every win for farmed animals is a win for human health too. Better conditions on factory farms mean the spread of disease between animals and from animals to humans can be reduced.

With your help, we will continue to push companies to lift animal welfare standards across their supply chain globally.

You are helping to feed hungry elephants and bears

Sadly, many of our partner sanctuaries are doing it tough as animal-friendly tourism dries up. Throughout this crisis, your support will help feed and care for rescued animals. Thank you.

Thank you for helping animals during the coronavirus outbreak!

Every win for farmed animals is a win for human health too. Better conditions on factory farms mean the spread of disease between animals and from animals to humans can be reduced.

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