Australian bushfires: Useful contacts and resources
Do you have family or friends that may be affected by the Australian bushfires? We’ve compiled a list of useful contacts and resources you can share with your loved ones to help keep themselves and their animals safe during the fires.
New South Wales
NSW Rural Fire Service has a live map of all fires.
- A list of evacuation centres is here.
VIC Emergency has a live map of all incidents and warnings, and you can also download the VIC Emergency app to your phone.
South Australia
SA Country Fire Service has a live map of bushfire conditions
- Their Bushfire Information Hotline is 1800 362 361.
New South Wales
- WIRES has a list of advice for helping wildlife during bushfires, such as leaving out bowls of water or keeping a cardboard box and towel in your car.
- If you find injured or trapped wildlife, please call WIRES on 1300 094 737.
- The Victoria DELWP has an injured wildlife tool, helping you to contact the most relevant shelter or service.
- If you find a sick of injured native animal, call DELWP Wildlife Emergency on 136 186.
South Australia
Fauna Rescue SA has 24-hour hotline for injured wildlife on (08) 8289 0896
- For koalas call 1300 KOALAS (1300 562 527)
- For bats call 0475 132 093
- To make preparations for your pets in the event of a bushfire, we have created a checklist of items to include in a Pet Disaster Plan. Download it for free for your dog, cat, horse or small animal at protectyourpet.org.au.
New South Wales
- If your farm animals has been affected in the fires, contact the Agricultural and Animal Services Hotline on 1800 814 647 - You can also use the hotline to request or collect emergency fodder.
- Animal safe facilities are available for people who need to relocate their animals, including specialised large and small animal facilities.
- For issues concerning wandering or inadequately confined farm animals call your local council. Find yours here.
- Landholders who need emergency fodder and those who want to donate it should call the Victorian Farmers Federation on 1300 882 833.
South Australia
- If you are a farm animals owner seeking assistance with injured or burnt animals contact the PIRSA bushfire hotline on 1800 255 556.
- Farm animal producers requiring fodder, or those wishing to donate can call Livestock SA on 8297 2299.
- Information on air quality and health messages for NSW, VIC and SA.
- Access mental health support through Lifeline’s 24-hour counselling service on 13 11 14. They have tool kits for people recovering after a natural disaster.
- Emergency housing is available for those directly affected by bushfires through Find a Bed (call 02 7202 6588) and the Airbnb Open Homes program.
- For disaster welfare assistance, such as shelter, food or water please call 1800 018 444.
- If you’ve been affected by the bushfires and need to claim assistance, please call: 180 22 66. More information here.
- Conservation Volunteers Australia has been selected to coordinate the environmental volunteering response to the bushfire crisis. Visit their website to apply to volunteer for bushfire response and recovery in Australia.
- If you are a qualified veterinarian, please contact Vets Beyond Borders.
(Image Credit: Peter Tremain)